2024 Board Members

Alex RuizPresident

I’ve been involved with sports for over 20 years on the little league level all the way up to the professional level and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I’d like to take this time to share with you my vision of our Little League. First and foremost, enrollment is at the top of my list, by this time next year the goal is to have over 200 kids in our little league. We will have more parent involvement and community involvement to make this a super successful league again!

Anthony Dawson - Safety Officer 


  I am a former player of Co-op City Little League in the 80's.  I've always enjoyed the team environment of Little League Baseball. Having three son's I wanted them to enjoy the Co-op City Little League Baseball  experience I had. They all had memorable childhood experiences playing on the same baseball ⚾ diamond 💎  their father played on year's prior. I'm grateful I had and still continue to have the pleasure to coach, volunteer and guide the youth to have a long lasting fun Little League experience.


Jose Reyes - Player Agent


"Sports is the ultimate vehicle to develop life skills and offers a safe space for our youth. "